To become a Room Parent, complete the specific school form (complete a new form for each classroom) -- Davis Elementary Room Parent Form and Lane Elementary Room Parent Form


If you are interested in getting involved or have any questions, please contact


What is a Room Parent?
Room Parents are an essential part of the BEST PTO, supporting teachers and linking the school community. Being a Room Parent does not mean you have to be in the classroom or the school all the time. Most of the work involves relaying information to the class and coordinating parent volunteers, both of which can be done by phone or email.


Typically, most classrooms have one Room Parent to coordinate communications, and several other Room Parents to assist with activities throughout the year. All Room Parents are welcome to contact the teacher and families about various activities they are coordinating, though it may be easiest to designate a communications person to handle emailing families most of the time.


The following is a typical list of responsibilities to be shared among all Room Helpers. The specifics will need to be agreed upon with the teacher.

  • Assist classroom teacher with the following:
    • Class Parties
    • Class Email and phone list
    • Coordinating Classroom volunteers as needed
    • Coordinating Field Trip Chaperones as needed
  • Keep families informed of school activities
  • Collect classroom donations for class needs and gifts

The following is an example of what you may expect for the upcoming year:



  • Meet with your Teacher -- Find out how you can help. Refer to the Teacher Questionnaire for questions to ask. 
  • Your class Room Parent volunteers meet
  • Send Welcome/Information Letter from Room Parents
  • Collect class contact info and class donations for class fund. Please follow the guidance outlined by the State Ethics Commission on gift giving to public school teachers and staff found HERE.
  • Compile Class Roster & Distribute to Class


  • Use Class Funds for Classroom Holiday Gift for Teacher and Assistants (if applicable).


  • Coordinate Ice Cream Social Basket (only applicable if you are a Lane family)
  • Teacher Appreciation Week gift. This typically falls during the first full week in May. Teacher appreciation week is a fun opportunity to make a collaborative group craft, or some other combined project from the whole class. What is most appreciated by teachers is a hand-written card or note from students, or a group craft project that every student can contribute to.
  • Coordinate end-of-year Teacher Gift

Throughout the Year:

  • Initiate emails/phone requests for volunteers (in-class, field trips, etc.)
  • Organize class parties/celebrations (check with teachers about preference)
  • Send out monthly email updates to keep Class informed and excited about what’s happening at Davis or Lane
  • Keep Class Roster updated and distributed as new students arrive or changes occur
  • Keep Class updated on spending of Class Funds on materials, supplies, etc.